Thursday, February 5, 2009

02-05-09 Happy World Nutella Day!

World Nutella Day was created by Ms Adventures in Italy and Bleeding Espresso and is a great idea. We buy Nutella in large jars. It lasts a long time without going bad. And it tastes divine! Chocolate and hazelnut. Mmmmmm.
Here is my jar of Nutella. I had a Nutella sandwich for lunch to celebrate. Mmmmmmm.
Until next time....


This is our lost boy. Bovi was found on our doorstep in the middle of a move in December 2001. He quickly became a part of the family. Bovi is short for Bovine (note the cow-like appearance). He was noisy and an attention hound. He cuddled if you were sitting still and slept in my armpit. He was 16 pounds of fluffy love. In the spring of 2007, he was ill. We feed our cats only dry food, but when they are sick we indulge them with canned food. Unfortunately for Bovi, the canned food was tainted. We didn't know. We just thought he was getting sicker. We took him to the vet and proceeded to treat him for chronic kidney failure. We didn't know it wasn't CKF. We took severe steps including my spending 20-22 hours a day with him for four days. On February 13, 2007 at 9:40am Bovi breathed his last.
I spent the rest of that week pouring my grief into a memory book. I must say that Art Therapy works. My emotion was raw and it showed in the book. Everyone who read the book cried.

Afterwards, the house felt empty. Our other cats, Putri Dewi and Mata Hari, did not vocalize as much nor did they seek attention at the same levels. And they missed him too. After a month, we visited the rescue group from whom we adopted Mata Hari. We had planned to take Mata Hari to show them how well he was doing. We ended up coming home with Mata Hari, Pala and Hammie. Thank you Gwinnett Humane Society for expanding our family.

We still miss Bovi. We always will.

Until next time....


Hammie is good at posing. I couldn't decide which of these typical cat poses I liked better so I posted them both.
Until next time...


We went grocery shopping on the way home. This is the candy display at the register. I resisted tempation even though most items were on sale.
Until next time...


We are not football fans but we do love the commercials. My hubby even told me to stay near the TV while he chopped veggies so I could tell him if a commercial came on. The game was actually pretty good and most of the commercials were disappointing. Not a big surprize. Here is our spread of Superbowl snacks. Fresh veggies, chicken sausage, chips and four dips for everything. Yum.
Until next time...


I saw a challenge on other people's blogs that I thought would be fun. The challenge was to go to your photo folder and post the sixth photo in the sixth folder. Here is mine. This is after the closing ceremonies in the Breast Cancer 3-Day walk in Atlanta in 2002. My title for the photo was "Honey, take me home." I walked this by myself and was exhausted. I have asthma and made an agreement with my hubby. I could use my inhaler once and keep walking. The second time I needed it, I had to stop for the day. I didn't manage to put in all of the miles each day, but I still managed to do 32 miles in three days. Good enough for me. I still do marathon walks for breast cancer but now my hubby and Dad do them with me. We also have switched to the 2-day format as it is much more do-able.
Until next time...


Everyone should have a few odd collections, right?

My mom is English and is fussy about her tea. The only tea she has found that "tastes like English tea" is Red Rose. Mom does not like herbal or "perfumey" tea. Red Rose tea has a figurine in each box. There is always a theme and of course there are extra pieces you can buy. I have a wall with printer's drawers with figurines filling them. I have more drawers to go on the wall because I do not have any empty spaces left and Mom is still drinking tea. Taking the current drawers down and putting all back up is on my hubby's honey-do list. Here is the current arrangement.
Until next time...


I have been collecting digital scrapbooking files for a while although I do not consider myself a scrapbooker. I have done a few layouts, but I mostly work in journals and memory books. I either create digital files to print for the books or print elements on sticker paper. Here are three of my books. The one in the upper left is a brag book of the furr family that I made when we still had Bovi and didn't have Pala or Hammie. The upper right is a daily journal that I used until I ran out of space. The lower book is for a trip we took. The left and lower books are fabric covered. I discovered that if I ran fabric through my zyron that I could cover books easily. The other has paper and elements and is then covered by contact paper. I like the fabric better. I can find fabric that I would not think about wearing that makes great book covers.
Until next time...


My hubby picked me up after work because he was in the area due to an interview. He had to wait for me to be ready to leave and was hungry, so we went straight to a restaurant to eat afterwards. This is the table display at Steak 'n' Shake. Yeah, I know this is not the healthiest place to eat, but it was fast (mostly) and it is where hubby wanted to eat.
Until next time...


This photo is taken from the same pedestrian bridge as the previous day. This is looking diagonally off the bridge from the opposite side. The university (Emory) is constantly tearing down things and building new or renovating what is already here. The buildings that have lots of windows are dorms. Two dorms were torn down to make this big pit and now they are building something here. I do not know if the new buildings will be dorms, accademic buildings or labs.
Until next time...


At the end of my work day, I cross over a pedestrian bridge to get to the shuttle bus that takes me close to home. The bridge spans a railroad track. Those of us who work here are very glad of the pedestrian bridge and the road bridge seen in the photo. Traffic on the main road through the university is busy enough at rush hour and doesn't need the complication that stopping for a train would cause.
Until next time...


My hubby was being silly and picked up the cat bed with Hammy in it. I grabbed the camera and took some photos before he jumped down. This is Hammy with the half asleep, confused look.
This is Hammie fully awake and realizing that he was up in the air.
I took one more with his jumping out but that one was just too blurry to post.
Until next time...


I have been a rubber stamper for 10 years. One of the stamp groups that I have remained in is the Crazy for Cats Card Club or CCCC. We send cards to other people in the group. Any received are to be reciprocated although there isn't a time limit. Each card or other stamped item must have a hand stamped cat on it. This is a stand up desk calendar that I received. Isn't it cute?
Until next time....


We have a very large and diverse lab group. We often have social events to allow/force folks to deal with each other in a non-lab setting. One of the social events is monthly birthday. January's party was on the 23rd. Here is the table before being demolished:
Only two of the three birthday people were in on the day of the party. They wanted to have a photo with the professor/principle investigator. He was only too happy to oblige. I thought it was great to have another photo to post.
The first shot was blurry so I took another. I like the expressions better in the first shot. They all look so happy. The girls were happy to have the photo and he was happy to be asked. Before anyone comments, yes they are both pregnant.
Until next time....


I was scheduled for a follow up MRI. Several months after scheduling they realized that my MRI had been scheduled for MLK day. Big oops as my appointment was scheduled at Emory in Atlanta. They rescheduled for the 22nd but had to send me to the hospital instead of the clinic to have it done. The hospital set up is a little odd. After checking in, I was sent to a little waiting room that had this table:
The sign says call X-XXXX to let us know you are here. The good news came a few days later from my doctor. Everything is stable. This is a case where no change is a good thing.

Until next time....


I noticed that a lot of project 365 folks are posting reading material. This is what I am reading now:
I love science fantasy. This book is humerous short stories. My complements to the editor as these are pretty good stories and very funny.

Until next time....

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Time for another furrbaby. This is my baby; I have had her since before I met my husband. This is Putri who is 16 1/2 years old (putri means princess). Putri was adopted from the Montgomery County Pound in Rockville, Maryland in 1992. I didn't meet my husband until '94.
Before we got Hammie, we had another male cat named Bovi. Bovi was lost in the tainted pet food debacle in 2007. I will eventually write about him here. Anyway.... Bovi and Mata Hari used to pick on Putri eventually keeping her away from food and litter. The Vet suggested isolation for Putri. She lives in our bedroom. Since she had a spot on the bed before hubby, she has always slept between us. We let the other cats in the room at night and because Putri is between us, she is protected. Isolation has been good for her. She is very healthy for her age, her fur is sleek and soft. She isn't very good at posing for pictures since she just wants attention.
Until next time....

Waaaaaay behind

Ok so I am waaaaay behind on posting, but I have been taking pictures. I just finished getting them ready for blog loading and will load them one day at a time this time. It is getting late and I will load what I can tonight then continue tomorrow.

Until next time.....